Brandon & Rachel Cutrer

BRC Brickhouse 180 (P)


Certificates available for $50.

Stored at Elgin Breeding Service. 

ABBA #: 1033744
Born: March 19, 2021
Sire: +Mr. V8 191/7
Dam: Miss V8 100/7
Cow Family: 98 & 464

Breed Character: ★★★★   Calving Ease: ★★

Marbling: ★★      Disposition: ★★★★     
Maternal: ★★★★         Show Appeal: ★★★★

As exciting of a pedigree combination available in the Polled Brahman world. BRC Brick House 180 (P) is a direct son of 191/7 and out of the legendary 100/7 cow, who is the only polled national champion Brahman female in history. This makes Brick House a half sib to both Noble and Captain, arguably a pair of the most influential sires available in todays industry. We see 180 as a legit option to add style, bone, and a shot of performance in a polled package. We are really excited about our partnership with the Salinas family on this great young bull and see his potential impact being huge within the Polled Brahman landscape.

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