ECC Polled Maverick 302/9 (P)
tored at Brushy Creek Custom Sires.
AI Certificates are $50 each.
Registration #: 1004492
Dam: MISS DOUBLE A 468/7
Owned with England Cattle Co.
We could't be more excited for the opportunity to partner with England Cattle Co. on what could be the best polled bull in the business. Not only do we admire his phenotype, being moderate framed, easy fleshing, masculine, and extremely good footed. He is built to make a versatile impact on the Brahman seedstock business making elite females and impactful herd sires. But even further, we see Maverick as a heifer safe option that can still maintain impressive carcass estimates and maternal figures.
Here is your chance to get on the frontside of a Modern American Brahman who is polled!
Semen not available in Canada.
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Semen not available in Canada.
By purchasing this semen and checking out online, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in the online store and at https://shopbrcutrer.com/pages/terms-of-service-semen-policy.