B.R. Cutrer, Inc.
BRC Dutton 376/8 Semen International
This semen is NOT AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE TO THE CONTINENT OF AUSTRALIA. If you are from these countries do not purchase. Your order will be rejected.
Certificates available for $50.
Stored at Brushy Creek and Elgin Breeding Service.
Dutton is a worldwide favorite - combining BRC’s best bull (Noble) and best cow (Boom Shaka Laka). He blends moderate frame, sound structure, and excellent breed character, with power and performance. Sire of 2022 National Champion Brahman Female in the USA and 2022 International champion female.
- Semen not available in Canada, Australia, or the continent of Africa
- No embryos generated from this semen may be sold to Africa (entire continent) or Australia.
By purchasing this semen and checking out online, you agree to the terms and conditions listed in the online store and at https://shopbrcutrer.com/pages/terms-of-service-semen-policy