John Locke
Mr. V8 279/7 (P)
- #1 All Time Champion Producing Polled Grey Bull of the ABBA, as reported by The Brahman Journal, April 2021
#1 Milk trait leader in the spring 2022 Brahman Country Genomic Evaluation
- #2 Scrotal Circumference trait leader in the spring 2022 Brahman Country Genomic Evaluation
The most consistent, proven polled bull in our battery, 279 has become popular worldwide for transmitting moderate birthweights, good dispositions, and overall quality. Sires excellent daughters and sons with commercial acceptability. He is one of the few polled bulls in the ABBA Register of Renown and is a proven sire of champions. He is also one of the more widely used Brahman AI sires in the USA, with over 230 progeny recorded as of 2020 and 75 daughters in production.